How Contec's Microfiber Mop Pads Outperform Relaunderables

29 Jul.,2024


How Contec's Microfiber Mop Pads Outperform Relaunderables

In a time where environmental consciousness is not just a choice but a necessity, every step towards sustainability counts. 

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Contec Professional is proud to lead the charge in the contamination control supply industry, committing to products that not only meet the highest standards of cleanliness but also prioritize the planet. Our recent Life Cycle Assessment (LCA) study, conducted by NSF International&#; and WAP Sustainability Consulting, underscores this commitment, highlighting the environmental advantages of our Premira® II Microfiber Mop Pads over generic reusable microfiber mop pads.

READ the LIFE CYCLE ASSESSMENT SUMMARY for Premira® II Microfiber Floor Mop Pads vs. Generic Reusable Microfiber Mop Pads

A Comprehensive Look at Sustainability

The LCA study evaluated the environmental impacts of the mop pads across five key phases: raw material sourcing, manufacturing, transportation, use maintenance (for reusable mop pads), and end-of-life disposal. It focused on impact categories critical to understanding a product's environmental footprint, including climate change potential, acidification, eutrophication, ozone depletion, smog potential, abiotic depletion, and water usage.

The Results Speak Volumes

Our findings revealed that Premira® II Microfiber Mop Pads are significantly more environmentally friendly across all impact categories compared to their reusable counterparts. Here's a closer look at what makes Premira® II the superior choice for sustainability:

  • Global Warming Potential (GWP)
  • Acidification Potential (AP): The maintenance of reusable mop pads, involving electricity and thermal energy for washing and drying, increases their AP due to emissions of sulfur dioxide and nitrogen oxide. In contrast, manufacturing Premira® II Mop Pads is less energy-intensive.
  • Eutrophication and Ozone Depletion Potentials: Manufacturing accounts for a significant portion of the eutrophication potential for Premira® II, while maintenance (washing and discharge of chemicals) is a major factor for reusables. Both products have an impact on ozone depletion, with reusable mops being notably higher due to their maintenance requirements.
  • Smog and Abiotic Depletion Potentials: Laundering reusable mop pads contributes more to smog production than all life phases of Premira® II combined. Additionally, the incineration of Premira® II Mop Pads with energy recovery introduces negative emissions, showcasing an advantage over the high energy consumption of maintaining reusables.
  • Water Usage: Remarkably, one reusable mop pad consumes more freshwater over 100 uses than manufacturing 100 Premira® II Microfiber Mop Pads, primarily due to the water used in laundering.

Toward a Greener Tomorrow

The LCA's findings illuminate a crucial insight: the maintenance phase of reusable microfiber mop pads, particularly laundering, significantly diminishes their environmental friendliness across all categories. This challenges the conventional wisdom that reuse always equates to environmental benefit, highlighting the importance of evaluating the full lifecycle of products.

If you are looking for more details, kindly visit microfiber green mops factory.

At Contec Professional, we are not just providing cleaning solutions; we are committed to offering innovative products like Premira® II Microfiber Mop Pads that stand at the intersection of efficiency, effectiveness, and environmental responsibility. Our approach is clear: to minimize negative impacts on the environment while maximizing cleaning performance and user satisfaction.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of sustainability, Contec's dedication to reducing our environmental footprint remains steadfast. Through thoughtful innovation and a commitment to excellence, we are setting new standards in the industry, proving that it is possible to achieve superior cleaning performance without compromising our planet's health.

Together, let's embrace a future where every clean is a step towards a more sustainable world.

Contact a Contec Professional cleaning expert here.


Color-Coded Microfiber Cleaning Systems

How do we prevent cross-contamination?

Use a specific microfiber mop color for each room. Unlike traditional cotton mops, microfiber flat mops take up little space and can be stacked so you may use a mop for every room. Never take the mop that we just used in the restroom and bring those germs out into the general areas and hallways. Clean the bathroom, take off the mop, put it in your laundry bag, and start fresh with a new microfiber mop as we move into a new area. This will make sure whatever the germs are in a particular area are contained.

So why not just use a clean cloth or mop of the same color?

I recently implemented a color-coding system at a local university. I was explaining to the group you should never use a red towel outside of the bathroom. Somebody asked, &#;Why don&#;t you just use a clean red cloth?&#;

I told the team that you may be using a brand new clean red cloth to clean a water fountain in the hallway, but a person may have just seen you using a red cloth cleaning a toilet or a urinal. We don&#;t want the person that is observing the situation going to your supervisor complaining that you used the same cloth to clean the fountain right after you cleaned the bathroom. They have no idea you changed to a clean cloth and will assume the worst. We need to keep up the color-coding procedure to ensure our customers that we are cleaning properly.

But my team will be resistant to change&#;

I have done color-coding microfiber training many times, and it&#;s not always easy breaking the employees&#; cleaning routine. I hear comments like &#;you don&#;t know what it&#;s like cleaning 25,000 square feet a night. We don&#;t have time to worry about the color towels we are using.&#; As I try to sympathize with the employee, I explain the potential of spreading harmful germs from one area to another. I let them know as they get used to the system, they will feel more comfortable, and it will get easier as they break the usual routine. Eventually, the team will appreciate and embrace using new microfiber cloths for each room. It is more sanitary for them too.

For more information, please visit microfiber rags bulk.