Too Good to Be True: How TMS Damaged My Brain

23 Sep.,2024


Too Good to Be True: How TMS Damaged My Brain

I am a 37-year-old father of two and husband to a fantastic wife of 15 years. For at least as long, I have struggled on and off with anxiety and depression. Throughout, I have managed them through counseling, diet, and exercise. I have tried antidepressant drugs several times, but they have never done anything for me except make the situation worse.  Despite my mental health issues, I had nonetheless been able to contribute meaningfully to my family, my community, and my work in a high-level corporate job.

Link to Dongshan

About a year and a half ago the biggest threat to my stability came not from my anxiety and depression but from a new form of treatment called transcranial magnetic stimulation, or TMS. The Mayo Clinic website describes TMS as &#;a noninvasive procedure that uses magnetic fields to stimulate nerve cells in the brain to improve symptoms of depression.&#; They make it sound simple enough: &#;An electromagnetic coil is placed against your scalp near your forehead. The electromagnet painlessly delivers a magnetic pulse that stimulates nerve cells in the region of your brain involved in mood control&#;.&#; Based on my experience with it, nothing could be further from the truth. TMS not only has not improved my mental health but also has robbed me of some of the most important things in life. As it stands, there has been little to no research on or awareness around the negative side effects that TMS can inflict. This must change and is more important than ever as this treatment continues to grow in popularity.

Hoping for a &#;Breakthrough&#;

My introduction to TMS occurred by chance, during a regular checkup with my primary care doctor. As a part of the checkup, I filled out a questionnaire on depression. At the end of the visit, he asked me, &#;How long have you been feeling depressed?&#; After I told him about my history, he brought up TMS, describing it as a breakthrough treatment that did not involve taking a pill. He told me that he believed one day soon, every doctor&#;s office would have one of these machines, with which they could simply and effectively treat their patients for depression. Having witnessed the horrors of medications firsthand, I was very intrigued and excited about a treatment that could positively affect the brain without the use of a toxic pharmaceutical. My doctor told me to look up Neurostar because it was the &#;gold standard&#; for TMS machines.

I left the office that day filled with an unexpected hope that I might find relief from my long-standing battle with depression.

I went home and immediately started researching TMS and Neurostar so I could better understand the treatment and then talk to my wife about it. The first thing I found was a newly opened TMS clinic on the other side of town. That was one hurdle down. Next, I found quite a bit of information on the procedure itself, all positive, with a lot of documentation and testimonials about how it was possible to achieve a miraculous and long-lasting remission from depression. The success rates I found were as high as 80 percent; others stood at around 60 percent. It seemed to validate what I had learned from my doctor.

Next, I researched the potential side effects. I visited several different sites, including Neurostar&#;s homepage. The side effects listed seemed pretty minimal to me: headaches, lightheadedness, burning sensations on the scalp, and in extreme cases seizures. But these were all said to be temporary and should not last any longer than two to four weeks after treatment. That afternoon, I discussed all my findings with my wife. She admitted she was apprehensive but begrudgingly agreed that I could go down and have a consultation. The next day, I called the clinic and scheduled my first visit.

At the initial appointment, I met with a psychiatrist who asked me about my current and past mental health issues as well as the medications and different treatments I had tried. After we talked through my history, he said I would be a good candidate for TMS. I asked about the risk of seizure. He told me that the only real risk of seizure was at the initial &#;mapping&#; session on the Neurostar machine when they discover my &#;motor threshold,&#; which is the point at which the electromagnet elicits a physical response from your body. Also, he said seizure was extremely rare and that he had neither heard of nor encountered them in TMS patients.

Then he introduced me to the staff and technicians. I asked them the same questions about side effects, and they all confirmed independently the same risks that I had read about online and reviewed with the psychiatrist. I also signed paperwork that included disclosures saying that I accepted those risks without mentioning any others. The staff offered to set me up with my first appointment the next day and I agreed. Although I was a bit nervous, I was excited at the potential of curing myself of depression at what seemed to be very little risk. I will admit: It did seem too good to be true. But I rationalized away my doubt, believing that modern medicine was now so advanced that this kind of treatment was possible.

So Far, So Good

The first treatment was a mapping session.  They set me in what was similar to a dentist&#;s chair with a large articulating arm on its left side, which was attached to a large computer with a monitor and user interface. Then they moved the articulating arm up to my left temple, so it rested within a few millimeters of my head, handed me hearing protection, and started the mapping. The machine was activated and ran pulses of electromagnetic energy through the tip of the arm that was pointed at my left temporal lobe. It made loud clicking noises while it ran for a number of seconds before stopping for another several seconds and then started up again. Each time they ran the pulse they observed my hands to see if I flinched or seized.

By doing this, they were looking for the best arm placement for the machine against my head so that there would be no motor response from my body. The flinching sensations I felt were disturbing, but not particularly unpleasant, so I did not worry. After about 20 minutes, the technicians were satisfied and said the computer would remember the custom settings for me so that when I came back the next day, I could just sit down and get started. From that point on, each session would last about 25 minutes. We scheduled sessions for five days a week over the next three months. It was a big time commitment, but it was worth the proposed payoff.

The next day I showed up, feeling a bit nervous and unsure of what it would be like to get a full treatment. I also felt a bit of hope that I might go home feeling better that night. The staff was friendly and made me feel very comfortable. We chatted while I got set up in the chair with hearing protection, just like during the mapping session. They fired up the machine and set the articulating arm up to the same spot on my left temple. The tech let me know she was going to start, I agreed, and the machine began clacking away at my head. In all honesty I felt nothing but a bit of an uncomfortable tingling or snapping sensation at the site where the arm was closest to my head. At the end of the session I was pleased that I had felt nothing remarkable.

The tech asked me, &#;How do you feel?&#;

I thought about it and replied, &#;I feel great&#; a bit lightheaded, but not bad.&#;

She said, &#;Great. Now, if you feel comfortable with that, we will turn up the intensity next time. You are at 50 percent and we need to get you up to 110 percent, which is the therapeutic dose.&#;

I thought, What the hell is going on here? They had not told me anything about having to raise the intensity of this thing. Still, I told the tech OK and left, feeling a bit put off. But then I thought: That session was not so bad, so the next one would be fine.

The second session was the same as the last but they &#;turned up the intensity&#; by 5 percent. We settled on the 5 percent out of my instinct to be cautious. They actually asked me how much I wanted to turn it up and said they could go as high as 10 percent each session and that the faster we got to 110 percent of my motor threshold, the faster I would feel better, having gotten the &#;full therapeutic dose&#; for longer. This made sense and I wanted to do the full 10, but I had no idea how different that would feel. My instincts nagged at me, and in hindsight I realize that my gut was saying: &#;If bumping it up by 10 percent was easy, they wouldn&#;t ask you if it was OK. They would just do it.&#;

We went through the same procedure at the additional 5 percent intensity. At the end, they asked again, &#;How are you feeling?&#; This time, I was a little more apprehensive with my answer. I said, &#;I am feeling pretty lightheaded&#; Is this going to get worse? Does everyone get this lightheaded?&#; They replied that it was normal, temporary, and that there was nothing to worry about. They also said that the feeling typically goes away after the first two weeks. I thought about it for a moment and likened the sensation to having had a few beers and decided, &#;No big deal, they are probably right.&#; I would be driving myself home, though, and considered whether driving feeling like this would be a good idea. I felt that different.

After a full night&#;s sleep, I returned for the next session. I still felt a bit lightheaded, but I was confident that what they were telling me was true and this would all go away after I got through the first few weeks of TMS.

Lingering Questions

This time, I had my wife drive me to the treatment facility. We repeated the treatment and only turned the intensity up by 5 percent again. By that point, I had built an excellent rapport with the tech. I decided to ask her whether anyone had ever quit because it was too unpleasant. She told me about just one gentleman who&#;d stopped going because he could not take time off work while receiving the treatment. I considered my own situation. I had the ability to take time off work as necessary, so I did not think that would become an issue. I also asked her if she had seen any side effects that were not mentioned or things she thought were suspicious. I believed her when she said, &#;No.&#; She had had one other patient who&#;d quit because said he did not benefit after a month of treatments, but that was it.

When my session was complete, the tech asked me the usual question: &#;How do you feel?&#; I gave the usual answer. I explained to her that I felt lightheaded and almost intoxicated. She again dispelled this as normal, and I left believing her. My wife drove me home, and I am glad she did as it was clear to me now that I should not be driving in such a state. At the time, I would describe the lightheaded sensation using words such as intense, ethereal, intoxicated, fuzzy, or off. Other times I would say that I just felt dumb.

The next session or two followed the same pattern until I was strongly encouraged to turn the intensity up by 10 percent so that we could get to the &#;therapeutic&#; dose on schedule. I agreed and we bumped it up. The lightheaded feeling intensified. It was very unpleasant, but feeling like that put me into a kind of drone state. I figured I would just go through the motions of life until I started feeling better.

I finally got to the full therapeutic dose and asked the staff when I would start to work my way out of this lightheadedness I was experiencing. They replied that I should begin to get back to normal after about a week at this dose. I trusted what they said and eagerly awaited my return to normalcy. I went through another week of treatments but I felt the same after every session. The lightheadedness persisted at all times and through everything in my life, including my work for a Fortune 10 company, which I had been managing to complete from home.

Things were slow at work, which really helped. I know that if work had been moving at full pace, there would be no way I could perform my usual function as a software and database administrator. Just in case things took a turn for the worse, I let my manager know that I was receiving medical treatments and that I might have to take some time off work if I experienced serious side effects. I wasn&#;t too worried, though; I&#;d worked for the company for some 15 years and had received excellent evaluations.

When that week had passed, I still felt the same and had the same conversation with the treatment staff about when my side effects might subside. They changed their story a little bit this time, telling me that some patients feel lightheaded through the end of treatment, but that it was always temporary and should let up soon. This news raised some red flags for me, but with everything I had read and everyone I had talked to, I truly believed them. After all, I was just undergoing a magnetic pulse that stimulated my brain&#;s neuron activity. How could that cause any long-term problems?

Disturbing New Symptoms

I continued the treatment with no relief from the side effects for the next few weeks. Then one night while I was sleeping, I heard the fire alarm go off in my home. I shot up in my bed, scared as hell. My wife was still sound asleep. I scanned the room, frantic, looking for smoke or light from a fire, but saw nothing unusual.

I quickly shook my wife awake and began yelling at her: &#;Get the hell up, the freaking fire alarm is going off!&#;

Her eyes opened wide and she said, &#;Honey, it&#;s OK! There is no fire, the fire alarm is not going off.&#;

I demanded, &#;What the hell is wrong with you? You can&#;t hear that? Are you deaf?&#;

I felt scared because my gut was starting to understand that something was wrong within me, although my conscious mind had not figured it out yet. She asked, &#;What do you hear? There&#;s nothing there.&#;

I replied, &#;What? You can&#;t hear that? That screaming sound, it&#;s like incredibly loud ringing.&#;

She said, &#;No, there&#;s nothing there. It&#;s OK, your ears are ringing. You have never had that before? It happens to me all the time.&#;

The pieces of the puzzle started filling in for me, but by now I was absolutely terrified. I was experiencing intense tinnitus. I managed to calm down and fall back asleep after some time. The next morning, I still had the tinnitus, but it was not as intense. That day at my treatment session I brought up the sound to the clinicians there. They said that it can happen but again assured me that it would be temporary. I felt so thankful. Because my wife had experienced tinnitus before, I figured it was not a big deal. I learned to cope with it and just moved forward.

After I developed tinnitus, some other minor symptoms came and went as well. I would have dizzy spells and bouts of nausea that had never occurred previously. Before this, the only time I&#;d ever become dizzy was after I&#;d spun in circles playing games with my kids or going on a carnival ride. I had only ever experienced nausea in tandem with eating bad food or having the flu. These were side effects of TMS, and when I brought it up in treatment, I was told that it happened, but it was just temporary and would subside after treatment at the very latest.

Cut Loose

Soon after these symptoms developed toward the end of my treatment, I had a regularly scheduled teleconference meeting with my boss at work. Skipping the formalities and without warning, he told me he was letting me go. When I asked if I had done something wrong, he told me no; there was no cause. Then he briefly answered a few questions and hung up. It sent me reeling. I realized that in less than five minutes, I had lost a job at which I had worked painstakingly for the best years of my life.

I comforted myself by assuming mine was part of a larger layoff of many people in my department, so I asked a few friends still working there about it. They all confirmed that I was the only one. I later learned I was replaced about a week later. Clearly my management team perceived my disability and moved quickly to remove the problem.

I am a pretty pragmatic character, and after I recovered from the initial shock of being fired, I was actually glad I did not have to worry about work anymore and was looking forward to the new possibilities of a life free of depression. So I finished out the TMS treatments without any change in my side effects, even though I still hadn&#;t gotten any relief from the symptoms that led me to TMS in the first place.

When my TMS treatments were complete, I had an exit interview with the center&#;s psychiatrist, during which we discussed my marginal results. He seemed to think that I might continue to improve for weeks after my treatment. At this point, I had one burning question for him. When would my side effects let up? I was not even concerned that my depression had not improved. I was so tired of being lightheaded and impaired every minute of every day for the last three months; that is all I could think about. He told me the same thing that all the literature and all the techs had said: &#;It should dissipate in two to four weeks.&#;

I then asked him, &#;What happens if it does not?&#; He responded that the only reason it wouldn&#;t is if I had developed a different neurological problem during treatment that was unrelated to TMS. If that occurred, I should go see a neurologist. The small red flag that had been raised at the back of my head from the beginning began flapping in the wind of the now-barren landscape of my mind. No distractions, no doubts, this was it: They were washing their hands of me. In all likelihood, I had made the gravest mistake of my life in trusting them with my mental health.

More Impairments

So I waited. Week after week, I waited for my normal brain function to return. I wanted my sharp, witty mindset back so I could begin my life again. It did not return, and I began to notice more peculiar things about myself besides just feeling drunk or hungover all the time. My short-term memory was kaput.

For instance, one morning I was putting ice into a cup from the dispenser in the freezer and overdid it. Ice cubes spilled out and filled the exterior tray on the front of the fridge. I figured I should set my cup down, turn around, and then clean up the ice. Instead, I got distracted, forgot the ice, and by the time I remembered it, it had melted and made a mess on the kitchen floor. My wife noticed and said, &#;What happened here?&#; I told her and said that I would clean it up now. I grabbed some paper towels and started soaking up the water. Then I left for just a moment and did something else. About an hour later my wife approached me again about the mess in front of the fridge and I asked her, &#;What mess?&#;

Prior to my TMS treatment, I was a &#;Type A&#; personality. I hadn&#;t left a mess out since I was 10 years old, so this was an extreme deviation from my previous behavior and cognitive ability.

The other change is that I can no longer multitask. If I am doing something and someone talks to me, I forget what I had been doing. If one person is talking to me and another person comes up and begins talking at the same time, I cannot make out what either one of them is saying, even if I focus hard. If there are any distractions in my environment it is now extremely hard, if not impossible, for me to stay on track.

After two months, when I was sure these symptoms were not letting up, I scheduled an appointment with a neurologist. He was very aware of what TMS is and had been to a conference on it. However, he too thought my symptoms would dissipate. To rule out any other factors, though, he ordered an MRI of my head. When that came back clean, he ordered EEGs, bloodwork, and neuropsychological testing. All the results came back normal except for the neuropsychological testing, which showed MCI, or mild cognitive impairment. Almost all of my mental processes were now below average: Storytelling, recall, and cognitive shifts (multitasking) were impaired. At least now I had proof.

After I better understood what had happened to my mind, I went to see an ENT (ear, nose, and throat specialist) and an audiologist. More testing ensued and the doctors diagnosed me with tinnitus and high-frequency hearing loss. Furthermore, they told me that I am one firework display away from major hearing loss. Their solution was that I should wear two forms of hearing protection whenever I am in loud environments.

By this point, almost half a year had passed, and I felt no improvement. After talking to several different doctors, including some of the best in my state, I was left empty-handed. I continue to search for ways to heal myself and recover from a new treatment whose disabling effects modern medicine has no defined way to counter. When you are taking an anti-depressant or other pharmaceuticals, you can stop taking the pill and your body will naturally flush the chemicals out of your system in time. With TMS, there is no way for your system to do that. All you can do is wait for your brain to adapt as it attempts to restore the damage done by the electromagnetic pulses forced through it. Little to nothing is known about how that process might work, much less how to hasten it. I have talked to quite a few medical professionals who deny that what happened to me is even possible.

Finding the Others

After I learned about the damage TMS caused, I felt desperately alone. My mind turned to the fact that this &#;treatment&#; is being performed on so many others, and some of them likely wound up damaged like me. I searched online often but could not find anyone else in my situation nor any documentation for the type of side effects I experienced. I even found research showing that TMS could be used to improve memory and cognitive function. This was vexing, but I could not think of anything I could do about it.

One day, I finally searched with the right phrase, and a TMS forum came up in my results with a specific thread on memory loss. There it was: Years ago, someone had posted that they were having problems with their memory after receiving TMS and could not even remember their wife&#;s name. I continued to read and found there were many others like us, not only with memory problems but also suffering from other physiological symptoms including tachycardia (rapid heartbeat), numbness, tingling and burning throughout their bodies, detached retina, and loss of control of facial muscles, to name a few. There was also a theme of new and worsening depression, as well as new, extreme anxiety so severe that it had led to a suicide.

After reading these stories, I understood that something very wrong was occurring and being swept under the rug. These symptoms were devastating, yet they were not being disclosed to prospective patients. After additional research, I discovered that these types of symptoms and events have been reported to the FDA for years. Furthermore, the FDA itself has reported these events to the device manufacturers, yet the manufacturers have done nothing to inform patients about them. They are not disclosed on the consent forms we&#;re asked to sign nor presented in any literature. It&#;s not on the manufacturers&#; websites, not in the materials provided to the clinics that utilize the devices&#; nor anywhere else I&#;ve looked.

Let&#;s be clear: The manufacturers are perfectly well aware that their devices are ruining the lives of some of their patients, yet they do not inform them of the risks of this procedure, no matter how remote this type of harm is thought to be. They advertise TMS as a risk-free or super-low-risk treatment option and it is even described as such on supposedly objective medical websites. This is simply not true, and the damage is amassing every day.

Today my mission is to inform anyone thinking about undergoing TMS about the real potential side effects of the treatment. I am also trying to provide a community for those suffering from the un- or minimally-documented side effects of TMS through a members-only Facebook group, Victims of TMS Action Group (VTAG). If you know of anyone who can benefit from further information, please tell them about us.

The most important lesson I have learned from my experience with TMS is that the mental health community must approach pharmaceutical and device treatments with the highest possible level of skepticism, trusting our instincts when making decisions about our own care. The stakes are just too high and the protections needed are not yet in place to preserve the health of our communities.

TMS Resources

My story is but one of many, some of which are truly harrowing. You can read more testimonials on the negative effects of TMS on VTAG  as well as this Reddit discussion page and in this blog by psychologist Phil Hickey. You can also search the FDA&#;s MAUDE database: Enter &#;Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation&#; in the &#;Brand&#; field and set the search dates to between 01/01/ and the current date.


Mad in America hosts blogs by a diverse group of writers. These posts are designed to serve as a public forum for a discussion&#;broadly speaking&#;of psychiatry and its treatments. The opinions expressed are the writers&#; own.

81 Best Company Swag Ideas ???? (Sept. )

Article Overview: Our community of 23,665 professionals shared their experiences sending company swag that employees actually want in . The unique corporate swag ideas in this list make it easy to order items that won&#;t go to waste.

Some people say it&#;s the thought that counts.

Those people were not talking about company swag&#;

Lame, generic corporate swag gifts could show your employees and clients you don&#;t know them, doing more harm than no swag at all. Plus, company swag nobody wants is a giant waste of money and could irreparably hurt your brand.

Community member Joanna Ericta&#;s experience:

&#;We used to think that &#;more&#; equated to &#;wow&#; &#; but we ultimately found that it was better to take our swag budget and apply it to higher-quality swag.

Instead of 10 lower-quality branded products for our new hire swag kit, which included stickers, pens, and cheap water bottles, we ended up opting for a high-quality laptop bag, Moleskine notebook, and a premium hoodie.

Our employees were way more excited about these items and used them for years. People associate your brand with the quality of your company swag.&#;

The unique company swag ideas in this guide come directly from our community to offer advice and experience on which branded products won&#;t be thrown away.

Customize and deliver memorable items from these trusted corporate swag vendors that people will want to use in . 

So let&#;s start with the most important question&#;

1) Custom Swag Boxes

More and more companies have opened the doors to remote employment options and flexible working-from-home arrangements.

Branded swag boxes give managers the freedom to build their ideal swag kit for any upcoming occasion, holiday, conference, or business gathering. Additionally, Custom swag boxes are a great way to build virtual team culture and engagement.

Community member Terri Coogler&#;s experience:

&#;I used to work for a large company that gave the employees tons of swag. These are the things I still use, years later: laptop backpack, ladies laptop bag that looks like a giant handbag, fleece jacket with company logo, a huge golf umbrella with the company logo, and a picnic blanket with the company logo. I keep the umbrella and picnic blanket in my car for emergencies.&#;

Why employees love these corporate swag items: Christmas is a favorite holiday because people love opening presents &#; we are hardwired to love the excitement from a young age. Think of custom swag boxes in the same way. Getting a pair of branded socks in the office is cool&#; but&#; getting a box full of mystery and intrigue directly to your doorstep is next-level cool.

These are the hottest thing right now in the company swag game and for good reason! Create your unique swag boxes with your choice of branded items and fully custom packaging.

&#; Get started with


2) Tech Swag

Our tech has become an extension of ourselves. Giving your employees high-quality corporate gifts will help them better manage their technology and is a surefire way to create good feelings.

Tip: Before you pass these out to the whole company, get a sample and test these to make sure it works as expected and with their preferred devices.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: Tech accessories can be awesome and helpful, but they&#;re often items many people would never think to get themselves, making them perfect for company swag.

Chargers & Power Banks

The ultra-compact Qi Portable Charger is one of the lightest and most powerful chargers you might find. This little eco-friendly powerhouse can charge a up to three times, making it the perfect charger for long days or extended travel.

Where to get it: Qi Portable Charger

Community member Antania Holland&#;s experience:

&#;I do SWAG at our company. A new one this year is a wireless cell charger. Most newer phones have this capability. One we did a few tears ago was a picnic blanket. One side was fuzzy and the other is the waterproof material to put on the ground for picnics and not get a wet backside. People loved that one!&#;


A simple, no-nonsense charger to give your device juice in minutes. Fits easily into a purse or bag and is available in fun colors! This reusable power bank charges via a USB cable. 

Where to get it: Basic Square Charger


The Sleek Aluminum Power Bank has an appealing finish and a customizable metallic metal face. It is eye-catching and employees love the look.

Where to get it: Sleek Aluminum Power Bank


If the no-nonsense square charger is not your thing, this device fueler might be what you&#;re looking for. The Mophie power bank features a brilliant, full front-side LED display to showcase your brand in light!

Where to get it: Mophie Power Bank


This charging pad is simple, looks great, and can be fully branded. It is a Qi-enabled wireless charging pad for Qi-enabled mobile phones.

Where to get it: Orbit Charger


Tech Accessories

A crowd-pleaser for all fans of tech accessories, the silicone wallet features a strong adhesive lining that is attached straight to the back of your for your case.

Where to get it: Silicone Wallet


Some tech accessories come in tiny packages but play a big role. Give your employees an extra layer of privacy with these custom-branded webcam covers.

Where to get it: WebCam Cover


Ideal for coworkers with an iPhone or Google Pixel, this wallet possesses a sleek design and quality stitching while doubling as a useful stand for watching videos on your desk. Note: It also uses RFID protection for one credit card.

Where to get it: RFID Wallet & Stand


Help employees stay safe and hands-free on their commutes by giving out branded cell car mounts. This simple, yet incredibly thoughtful, company swag is available in bulk, and you can customize colors and artwork. 

Where to get it: The Car Clip


3) Popular Company Swag Items

So what is popular these days? We worked directly with swag vendors and corporate gifting companies to learn which items are popular this year.

This is a distillation of our findings, with these ideas representing the best-selling and most popular swag products on the market. Many of these items can be branded with your event name or company logo, so be sure to test out a sample to see what your order will look like!

Tip: Use &#;Command + D&#; to bookmark this list &#; we update this company swag guide with new products often.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: A best-selling swag product is more likely to be used by the majority of your recipients. A seldom-used piece of company branded swag will not have the type of impact that a useful or popular swag item has.

Best Selling Company Swag

The JBL Clip 4 is a portable compact speaker that&#;s perfect for taking your music on the go. This little waterproof speaker packs a big punch, delivering rich, powerful sound, and its cool design is sure to turn heads.

Where to get it: JBL Clip 4 Speaker

Community member Katie Barton&#;s experience:

&#;I&#;ve done branded JBL speakers which always seem to be a huge hit and super appreciated.&#;



Part wireless charger, part mouse pad &#; this is a piece of corporate tech swag that will upgrade anyone&#;s desk. Use the kickstand on the back to prop up the top portion to charge your wireless charging smartphone &#; then take out your mouse and use the mouse pad at the same time.

Where to get it: Wireless Charging Mouse Pad


The reusable water bottle is now a staple of the modern professional. However, they can be big and bulky, especially while you&#;re on the move. The Que collapsible bottle shrinks to half its size when not filled up while still maintaining a high-quality construction.

Where to get it: Que Bottle


The title of this swag item can be quite a mouthful. Fortunately, it redeems itself by how trendy, topical, and functional it is.

The Recess Pickleball paddle is composed of only high-quality materials in line with the USA Pickleball Association&#;s specifications. It&#;s strong, lightweight, sweat-proof, and built to last. You can even have the digital designs of your choice printed onto the front and back sides of the paddle. Need we say more?

Where to get it: Recess Pickleball Paddle


This swag item represents everything that&#;s good in the world like soft vanilla caramel, fresh whipped cream, butter, and Madagascar vanilla with just the right amount of Mediterranean sea salt sprinkled on it.

The 40-year-old chocolatier brand that makes this swoon-worthy chocolate bar is wholly women-owned, uses fair-trade certified chocolate, employs people with disabilities, and uses only recyclable packaging. There&#;s absolutely no excuse to not get these bars for your employees today!

Where to get it: Sweeter Cards Chocolate Bar


Want a unique employee gift to make some regular kitchen moments memorable? Look no further than Swissmar&#;s Siena Salt Keeper!

This simple and elegantly finished utility item to store salt is made from a single piece of olive wood. Because each piece is unique, you won&#;t see another salt keeper that looks exactly the same!

Where to get it: Swissmar® Siena Salt Keeper


Unique Swag Ideas

The outdoor experts at Thule have designed a compact case for the modern hybrid employee. Easily organize your cords, cables, and miscellaneous tech items in a handy to-go bag. You can also apply your company logo to the outside so each time an employee takes this tech bag abroad, you&#;ll get a tiny boost of brand recognition.

Where to get it: Thule Tech Bag Mini


Losing our keys, phones, and everything in between is as common as it gets. A custom Tile is the perfect business swag item no one thinks of, but everyone needs.

Where to get it: Custom Tile Mate


4) Wellness Swag

These branded swag items are great because they give employees items that they like to keep on their desks when needed. Never know when you are going to need a nail clipper or tweezers or just some clean hands.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: Trinkets like these are usually looked over&#; until&#; that one day comes when you need that branded hair clip!

Self Care

Perfect for the chilly office&#;or now, the chilly home. Cozy work-from-home settings are essential, and this custom blanket is the perfect addition.

Where to get it: Fleece Sherpa Blanket

Community member Sara Upendo&#;s experience:

&#;I like anything that will keep me cozy in the office. A nice blanket, pull over, or coffee mug would be a dream.&#;


Give your employees another reason to wash their hands with a beautiful bar soap set from Beekman . Their signature small-batch soap is perfect for sensitive skin and is packed with skin-soothing vitamins.

Where to get it: B Bar Soap Set


Packed with vitamin E and shea butter, this tried and true lip balm from EOD helps to keep your lips soft and smooth. Whether you are popping these in an employee goodie bag or passing them around the conference room, your colleagues will all want to get their hands on one.

Where to get it: EOS Lip Balm


Since ancient times, lavender has been used to treat everything from anxiety to insomnia to headaches. This custom swag item gives your employees a chance to practice some self care with a mindful meditation kit will help them remember to take care of their physical and mental health &#; especially during busy moments at work.

Where to get it: Lavender Care Kit


Nothing fancy about this one, just a basic bottle of hand sanitizer to keep those flu-season germs away.

Where to get it: Hand Sanitizer


Eco-Friendly Products

If you are looking for sustainable swag then a product that limits the amount of waste you create each day is a no-brainer. No plastic is necessary with this eco-friendly, reusable stainless steel straw set! This 4 piece set includes two stainless steel straws (curved and straight), one cleaning brush, and one cotton canvas drawstring sleeve.

Where to get it: Reusable Straw Set


Crafted from durable borosilicate glass and wrapped in protective matte silicone, the Porter Bowl is a staple for busy professionals to load up with healthy snacks and energizing natural foods for a busy workday.

Where to get it: Porter Seal Tight Bowl


Fitness Swag

With this yoga mat and case, when your employees hit the mat for some feel-good action, they&#;ll have their beloved company top of mind.

Where to get it: Branded Yoga Mat and Case


This massage ball can be easily stowed away under your desk or workspace. It also helps to massage deep tissue, eliminate knots, and relieve tension in the body.

Where to get it: Massage Ball


Whether you are playing sports, hiking, working out, or simply outdoors on a sunny day &#; the polar neck towel uses microfiber polyester to activate polar cooling when the towel is soaked in water.

Where to get it: Polar Neck Towel

Community member Amanda Christina&#;s experience:

&#;Our company did a family day at the ball park. While most stadiums/arenas only allow clear bags now, we did clear string bags with a cooling towel (to put around their neck), visor, and recycled water bottle inside of it. It was a hit!&#;


Spend your workout listening to music hassle-free with a high-quality neoprene with an adjustable elastic armband to hold your .

Where to get it: Fitness Tracker


5) Bags

It might not be the most glamorous of company swag, but the cloth bag is the &#;old reliable.&#; Easy to order, monogram your brand with the company logo, and give out to staff, a backpack or tote bag is a strong addition to any employee&#;s swag collection.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: They can be filled with other pieces of company swag as part of an employee onboarding kit, thank you gift, team building event, or any occasion you want to celebrate!


Constructed from sustainable materials, this backpack doubles as both a valuable piece of office swag and is very eco-friendly.

Where to get it: Day Owl Slim Backpack


This backpack is made entirely from recycled ocean plastics, so you can feel good knowing that you&#;re helping to save the planet.

The drop-proof storage section protects your laptop, while the expandable side pockets are perfect for carrying all of your essentials. Plus, the back support makes it easy to carry it everywhere you go.

Where to get it: Shore-Tex Daypack


This is the perfect backpack for those who want to protect their laptop and have plenty of space for other belongings.

This roomy bag easily holds a 15&#; MacBook Pro in a padded compartment &#; perfect for busy professionals. Plus, there&#;s plenty of space for books and other essentials. And with comfortable, adjustable shoulder straps and a padded back panel, you can carry it all in comfort.

Where to get it: Cocoon Recess Backpack 


The Ogio Shuttle Bag allows you to conveniently carry your laptop and other essentials while on the go.

The dedicated laptop sleeve shields your computer from bumps and bruises, while the crush-proof Tech Vault protects your glasses or other valuables from being damaged. Plus, the front compartment with a deluxe organizer panel keeps all of your smaller items organized and within reach.

Where to get it: Ogio Shuttle Bag



A great eco-conscious alternative to plastic bags it can also be a perfect receptacle to gift a decked-out swag bag to a client or employee.

Where to get it: Market Tote

Community member Shannon McDaniel&#;s experience:

&#;Our most complimented idea was a HUGE zippable canvas tote bag from Land&#;s End with our logo embroidered. Like, my three-year-old fit in it and it was such incredible quality I could swing her in it. Great for beach trips and picnics, etc.&#;


The Recycled Cotton Tote Bag is stylish and environmentally friendly. Made from recycled cotton materials, it is a versatile choice for shopping trips, casual outings, or as a sustainable promotional item. If you own or are a part of a company that values doing good for the world, get a bit of sustainable company swag by picking the Recycled Cotton Tote Bag.

Where to get it: Recycled Cotton Tote Bag


6) Drinkware

Custom Water bottles are the hottest employee swag these days. Everyone loves having a great water bottle on their desk to keep hydrated throughout the day. Water bottles come in a variety of styles and colors, so you can really match your brand&#;s look and feel to the right product. 

Why employees love these corporate swag items: A staple for their desks or on-the-go. Water bottles are must-have accessories and are an eco-friendly option to stay hydrated throughout the day.

Water Bottles

We love the minimal and sleek look of this bottle. It has an 18oz glass bottle with a bamboo lid and comes in eye-catching colors.

Where to get it: Recycled Cotton Tote Bag

Community member Ashley Poling&#;s experience:

&#;I work in the promo industry and I find people love quality drink ware and tech, like charges and power banks. From a branding standpoint, the average drink ware makes 15 impressions, so that&#;s 15 pair of eyes on your logo. Happy to send over ideas if you&#;d like.&#;


A collapsible water bottle that can be used on the go, outdoors, or at your next company office party.

Where to get it: Collapsible Water Bottle


We are obsessed with the color options of this bottle. Besides its attention-grabbing look, the 16.9 oz bottle feels great in your hand and keeps drinks cold or hot for hours

Where to get it: The Silo Bottle



Give your employees the swag that they really want: coffee! Well, this coffee mug is a 12 oz stoneware that combines a matte white finish with a cork base.

Where to get it: Iselin Mug


These are great for pouring that wine, beer, or even a cocktail for a drink outdoors or at a company outing or tailgating event. It keeps your drink cold and has a lid as well.

Where to get it: Cece Mini Tumbler


This mug has it all: double-wall stainless steel thermal insulation, copper vacuum insulation, and a clear push-on lid. It is stylish and modern and offers excellent temperature retention.

Where to get it: Cece Mini Tumbler



This versatile tumbler is perfect for the workplace, whether you need to stay hydrated during a long meeting or show off a bit of team spirit with great company swag. At roughly $24 per tumbler, this is a luxury swag item that your recipient will hold onto and use for years.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Bulk Custom Magic Towels for Events.

Where to get it: Simple Modern Classic Tumbler

Community member Lisa P&#;s experience:

&#;I got a reusable water cup with straw that I use ALL the time as well as a company branded notebook and pen and things like that I actually use. We are also designing mousepads to send in our boxes to everyone now that we are primarily remote.&#;


This 12oz travel mug is designed with coffee lovers in mind: now you can enjoy perfectly crafted coffee no matter where your day takes you.

It&#;s also engineered to fit most of the most popular manual brewing devices; that means you can indulge in delicious, quality coffee anytime, anywhere!

Where to get it: Fellow Everywhere Tumbler


7) Apparel

While the t-shirt may be seen as the &#;old reliable&#; for swag, there is now a huge variety of apparel that can be branded for any company occasion. Be the hero this year and provide your employees with a high-quality shirt, sweatshirt, or clothing accessory from your company swag store to upgrade their wardrobe. 

Why employees love these corporate swag items: These swag ideas are comfortable, easy to wear to the office, and can act as part of your company dress code for casually dressed days. 


Made from recycled cotton and recycled polyester, this is the old faithful company swag shirt for your business. The only twist is that it supports a better environment by using recycled materials.

Where to get it: Next Level Eco Blend


This tee shirt is super-soft and has a great fit. It is a great unisex option and comes in a variety of colors. 

Where to get it: Triblend Crew T


Sweatshirts & Jackets

We love this fleece hoodie. It is a great unisex option, is super soft and comes in a bunch of colors. Perfect to keep in your desk or your branded backpack in case you need to warm up in the afternoon. 

Where to get it: Bella Fleece Zip-up


This cover-up is more fitted and stylish and is very breathable. But the best option is the set-in sleeves with shaped cuffs and thumbholes for warmth. Keep those hands as warm as possible while typing.

Where to get it: Nike Dri-Fit Stretch


These windbreakers are great for keeping in your bag or desk for that unexpected storm or chilly evening. Lightweight and water-resistant but also stylish and fun. These also come in a variety of fun colors.

Where to get it: Eddie Bauer Windbreaker

Community member Nikki Brummond&#;s experience:

&#;We survey our team every year and it&#;s always clothing. Biggest hits are 1/4 zip pullovers and we&#;ve done north face fleece and thinner jackets. Most recently thin rain coats. Also done Patagonia vests and jackets. All with logo or team name on it.&#;



This hat is 100% dad-approved, but it is great for everyone. It is 100% eco-friendly cotton.

Where to get it: Dad Hat


This polyester hat can be worn by everyone who wants to rep your company brand. Super breathable, lightweight, and featuring an accent strip on the bill of the cap, the OGIO Flux Hat is a useful corporate swag idea. 

Where to get it: Ogio Hat



Made from soft, high-quality fabric, these socks are one-size-fits-most and provide unbelievable comfort. Also, with a completely customizable design, you can add a logo or other personalization to make these socks one-of-a-kind.

Where to get it: Socks


Fully Custom Ankle Socks offer a unique blend of style and comfort, providing a personalized touch to anyone&#;s wardrobe. They are perfect for all occasions, from casual wear to promotional events. Get your entire team a pair, especially if you are gearing up for company sporting events.

After all, kickball gets pretty intense and the squad is going to need some socks that can handle the wear and tear.

Where to get it: Fully Custom Ankle Socks



The Classic &#;Vans&#; style slip-on. These can be fully customized for a fun sneaker option and are perfect for workplaces with a casual dress or casual Fridays! 

Where to get it: Slip-on Sneaker


These sneakers are right now. Great for a thoughtful gift or reward. Many employees find these runners to be comfortable to wear during a busy day at the office or while working from home. 

Where to get it: Allbirds Men&#;s Wool Runners


Spruce up your tennis shoe game with a new pair of Allbirds sneakers. This custom swag idea comes in different color combinations so you can choose which color scheme best suits your brand.

Where to get it: Allbirds Women&#;s Wool Runners


8) Office Supplies

Office supplies and office swag are typically viewed as the best swag items to fill out your swag closet. Branded items will be used throughout the workplace, given to potential clients and customers, and are very easy to work with in your daily life. These are swag items that will be used.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: These are not the sexiest swag products on the market, but they work well! A good pen, mouse pad, or office accessory is something that employees will value and not have to provide for themselves while working.

Office Gadgets

The Large Microfiber Cloth is perfect for cleaning screens, glasses, and surfaces without leaving streaks or lint. The high-quality microfiber material picks up dirt and dust efficiently, making it a must-have for tech enthusiasts and neat freaks. Consider getting it for that employee or coworker who always has the hand sanitizer ready.

Where to get it: Large Microfiber Cloth


This Swivel 2GB USB drive offers a reliable and convenient way to store and share digital files. Its capless swivel design protects the USB connector and easily attaches to keychains for accessibility wherever you go.

Where to get it: Swivel 2GB USB


This Fabric Mouse Pad combines a classic design with a smooth surface to ensure easy mouse movement and precision.

It&#;s an excellent addition to any office or gaming setup, providing both functionality and comfort. The Fabric Mouse Pad is the perfect way to show employee appreciation and give a practical gift they can use in-office or in their WFH setup!

Where to get it: Fabric Mouse Pad



Combining an elegant look with practical functionality, this notebook is designed with productivity and style in mind. With a smooth black exterior and lined paper &#; this is the type of business swag item that will be used. It also comes with a bookmark holder to easily reference pages and a convenient pen loop for quick access to jot down notes.

Where to get it: Tucson Ivory Scribe Journal


This notebook is the perfect way to get your employees&#; creative juices flowing. With its soft cover and ample pages, brainstorming sessions and taking notes on the go are much more fun and a lot easier. Plus, this stylish notebook comes in a variety of colors, making it a great way to show off your company&#;s branding.

Where to get it: The San Jose Notebook


The classic hard-cover. The most popular notebook, nothing will ever replace it. Comes in a variety of colors with options for screenprinting or debossing your logo. Also, this hard-backed journal is a perfect piece of team swag to gift to a new employee during the employee onboarding process for them to utilize and retain valuable information. 

Where to get it: The Hard Cover


This stunning notebook is a sleek option to include in any swag gift. The subtle linen texture and elegant embossing exude sophistication.

Where to get it: Premium Linen Notebook


While the hardcover is the classic, sometimes you just want a good lightweight notebook that you can use on a daily basis. This version is made from 90% recycled materials and organic, soy-based inks. It&#;s a very environmentally friendly gift!

Where to get it: Moleskine Graph Journal



The Ombre Pen gets its name from the fun, multi-color hairstyle. This useful token of appreciation is an especially good corporate swag pick for an employee or coworker who has an outstanding personality.

The Ombre Pen boasts bright colors in an ombre wrap and a fine-point hybrid ink to amplify even the finest penmanship.

Where to get it: Ombre Pen

Community member Teresa Pearson&#;s experience:

&#;I still have success with pens. Make sure they&#;re branded down to the color. It&#;s an inexpensive option. They end up in someone&#;s briefcase, purse or pencil cups.&#;


The Sharpie Gel Pen features no-smear, no-bleed technology to ensure a smooth writing experience perfect for everyday use. This promotional swag item&#;s professional and sleek design makes it ideal for office settings or personal desks.

Where to get it: Sharpie Gel Pen


9) Travel Swag

Traveling can be stressful. Plus, with only a few key items available to you in your carry-on, it is very important to have the right travel necessities with you during a business trip.

That&#;s where these high-quality swag items come in! Guaranteed to help make your employee&#;s next work trip a walk in the park.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: Whether a particular gift helps them to relax, get more work done, or get a little more comfortable &#; these travel swag items are great for planes, trains, and automobiles!

Travel Items

No more fumbling through your bag for your boarding pass or passport!

The Bellroy Travel Folio has quick-access slots for all your essential travel documents, plus RFID protection to keep your information safe and secure. This folio also fits up to 8 cards and cash, so you can travel light and worry-free. Whether you&#;re jetting off for business or pleasure, the Bellroy Travel Folio is the perfect travel companion.

Where to get it: Bellroy Travel Folio

Community member Ragan Rolfe&#;s experience:

&#;One time we did branded packing cubes and leather embossed luggage tags as a summer &#;enjoy your travels&#; gift and people still use them and talk about them.&#;


This tech-inspired luggage tag is a premium swag option that can be seriously helpful should your bag go missing. Recipients love the luxe feel, so this makes an ideal option for your jet-setter employees!

Where to get it: Bluetooth Tracker and Luggage Tag


The Dual Duffel is the ultimate travel companion, featuring versatile compartments and a sleek, modern design. Whether for the gym or weekend getaways, this duffel combines functionality with style. This corporate swag gift conveys work-life balance and promotes health in the workplace.

Where to get it: The Dual Duffel


This business swag idea is perfect for the employee who loves to bring their lunch to the office or workstation. Featuring an insulated interior liner, you can count on your snacks and meals to stay at optimal temperatures throughout the day.

Where to get it: Break Time 9 Can Lunch Cooler


Games and Fun

Add your logo to this classic deck of playing cards. Employees can always use an extra deck of cards.

Where to get it: Playing Cards


Are you planning an office party or a company retreat? Add a bit of branded swag to your next company event with the stadium cup. It also doubles as a nice branded keepsake for employees to bring home with them.

Where to get it: Stadium Cup


When it&#;s time to take a break at work start up a game of checkers, chess and backgammon, dominoes, cribbage, or cards with a coworker. This game set packs seven games in a high-quality wooden construction. 

Where to get it: 7-in-1 Game Set


10) Food Swag

One of the biggest necessities for has to be keeping your employees energized. Swag products that can add a little sweetness or boost energy are very popular.

And so, it&#;s a great swag item for your team. Who doesn&#;t need some extra energy right now? You can rest assured that everyone will appreciate the gift of caffeine.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: Food items are very popular since they can be appreciated by anyone. Clients and customers will love opening up a gift basket, care package, or box of baked goods to try out!


This versatile, portable brewer is the way to go to get that high-energy, delicious cold brew you need to start your day. Cold, hot, it&#;s the all-in-one solution.

Where to get it: Asobu Cold Brew


Bringing you 32 cups of gourmet Colombian brew, we&#;d all be grateful to find this in our mailbox. Delicious energy for the modern workplace.

Where to get it: Gourmet Coffee Bag



Milk Bar Cookies are a delightful treat crafted by the famous Milk Bar bakery, known for its innovative and playful desserts. These cookies come in a variety of unique flavors, ranging from sweet to savory, a perfect blend of both, and everything in between.

Where to get it: Milk Bar Cookies


The fantastic chocolatey treat will add a lot of excitement to your next promotional event!

These wonderful chocolate bombs are certain to be a hit with everyone who tries them. Simply fill the bomb with hot water or milk, and it will activate, producing a delicious hot chocolate drink. It&#;s the ideal method to enjoy a winter delight!

Where to get it: Hot Chocolate Bomb Box


Happy Hour

A perfect accessory for your team to have a great virtual happy hour. This virtual happy hour cocktail kit can be sent to employees and clients if you are looking for a great item for them to enjoy.

Where to get it: Old Fashioned Cocktail Kit


The 20 Oz. Mixing Glass is designed for the perfect cocktail mixing experience. It&#;s sturdy and durable, ideal for both professional bartenders and home use.

The next time you&#;re thinking about doing a company mixer or an office party, get your team mixing glasses so you&#;re ready to kick off your celebration.

Where to get it: 20 Oz. Mixing Glass


A happy hour swag item for the whiskey connoisseurs of the office &#; the scotch taster set includes a whiskey-tasting glass and stainless steel ice ball to chill your drink wrapped up in a branded swag box.

Where to get it: Scotch Taster Set


11) Bulk Swag Items

With the ability to brand items with your company logo, bulk company swag has become a great way to market your business to potential clients, customers, and future employees. Do not underestimate the longevity of a good coffee mug or comfy t-shirt that your employee will use for years to come.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: They are useful while providing your business&#; brand with valuable face time in front of potential clients. If you are looking to use swag as a part of your marketing strategy, then try checking out some of these best-sellers.

Swag For Marketing Purposes

The Tide To Go Pen is an instant stain remover designed to help eliminate some of the toughest fresh food and drink stains on the spot.

This portable, compact pen is perfect for keeping in a bag or pocket for quick touch-ups on the go. The Tide To-Go Pen is a solid conference swag idea for those employees who frequently have in-person meetings and need to look their best.

Where to get it: Tide To-Go Pen

Community member Elissa Jayne&#;s experience:

&#;Branded tide to go sticks always fly at conferences for us! Practical, inexpensive, and people really use them and keep them so your brand is top of mind!&#;


Do you have any tech-loving employees or coworkers? PopSockets offer a secure grip for texting or snapping the perfect selfie, and propping phones up to catch the latest video.

They can just &#;pop&#; and expand one whenever they need a grip or stand for those brilliant pics, videos, or posts.

Where to get it: PopSocket


Not your standard marketing gift, a branded cutting board is a luxe addition to any gift. Pair it with tasty treats (cookies, candy, and chocolate are great go-tos!) to make the ultimate foodie gift that incorporates your company logo.

Where to get it: Branded Cutting Board

Community member Leslie Hartwell&#;s experience:

&#;I did laser logo, bamboo cutting boards this past year and the box contained items to make a charcuterie board. Team of 200 loved them!&#;


This kit is designed to house your tech accessories and help you stay connected while on the road. With its quality construction and compact size &#; this tech folio will become a useful addition to a working professional&#;s toolbox.

Where to get it: Out of The Woods® Tech Folio


Stickers & Patches

These are fully custom stickers that can be die-cut into any shape. Create a few versions and give employees options to choose from. Perfect business swag for startups!

Where to get it: Custom Vinyl Stickers 


Get your logo embroidered as a custom-made patch. You can represent your brand wherever you go whether on your clothes, backpacks, bags, and more!

Where to get it: Embroidered Patches


12) Seasonal Swag

Seasonal swag items are designed to complement a specific season whether it&#;s the active, warm-weather months or items meant to warm and comfort recipients during the colder seasons.

Summer swag ideas range from customized beach towels and sunglasses to portable water bottles and breathable company tees meant to enhance outdoor experiences and promote brand visibility in a fun, relaxed manner.

Fall and winter swag features customized beanies, insulated jackets, thermal mugs, and heavy-duty umbrellas designed to keep the chill out while keeping the brand on display.

Why employees love these corporate swag items: These ideas are practical and make everything a flat-out better time. They boost morale and create a positive association with the company during a particularly busy season.

Summer Swag

The Can Coozie is a practical and fun accessory designed to keep employees&#; drinks cold and their hands warm. This collapsible item is perfect for outdoor events and can easily be customized with logos or designs.

Where to get it: Can Coozie


Jewel Beach Towel invites your team members to soak up the sun and make a splash! This custom-branded beach towel is made of 100% cotton terry velour. Whether they&#;re at the pool or the beach, they&#;ll appreciate laying out on it in style. On top of custom branding, they can even choose their own color!

Where to get it: Jewel Beach Towel

Community member Laura Smith-Kroesche&#;s experience:

&#;Our company sent us all beach towels and branded throws. Both were huge hits!&#;



Winter Swag

This is the best commuter umbrella on the market. A durable and well-constructed umbrella that folds up small to fit into a bag, auto-opens, and is sturdy enough to handle those windy storms. Comes in fun colors that you can coordinate with your business logo and color scheme. 

Where to get it: 42&#; Totes Auto Umbrella


These beanies can be fully customized, so you can create a fun, eye-catching hat for your team to wear.

Where to get it: Fully Custom Beanie


These gloves are a must-have when the weather gets a bit chilly. These lightweight gloves are super easy to fit in your pocket and use when you need to warm up your hands on a windy day. 

Where to get it: Large Custom Gloves


What&#;s the best company swag you ever received? Let us know in the comments below!


Expert Advice On Company Swag

Tip #1: Collaborate with local artisans for distinctive swag you won&#;t find elsewhere

Laia Quintana, Head of Marketing and Sales at TeamUp, recommends you start by identifying local artisans who produce unique, high-quality items. Then collaborate with them to create custom swag items that reflect your company&#;s brand.

&#;This approach not only supports local businesses but also provides your employees and clients with unique, handcrafted items. Plus, it adds a personal touch to your swag items, making them even more special.

Remember to share the story behind each item with your team, as this can increase appreciation for the swag and the local artisans who made them.&#;

Tip #2: Implement a swag voting system

Quintana also offers another great tip for identifying swag items that recipients are sure to appreciate. She suggests you brainstorm a list of potential swag items with your team.

&#;Once you have a list, create an online poll using tools like Google Forms or SurveyMonkey. Share the poll with your employees and encourage them to vote for their favorite items.

This not only ensures that the swag items will be well-received but also fosters a sense of ownership and anticipation among employees.&#;

Another option is to do hobby and interest questionnaires or send out annual surveys for regular updates. This way you&#;re always up-to-date on trends and ideas for swag gifting.

Tip #3: Less is more when it comes to swag branding

Milvydas Mazonas, Creative Studio Director at Omnisend, believes in being mindful about just how much brand detailing you incorporate into your swag design.

&#;If you choose provocative/large fonts or visual prints on your swag there&#;s a big chance that your employees won&#;t wear or use swag daily or outside work.

Be a bit conservative and use subtle details to represent your business.&#;

He recommends a simple but recognizable design.

&#;Encourage your employees to wear swag in your company&#;s mass gatherings. Don&#;t forget to take pictures and use it for your social media.&#;

Tip #4: Prioritize personal stipends over generic swag

Personal stipends are the way to go for people leaders and companies who want to show they care, according to Amy Spurling, Founder and CEO of Compt.

&#;Empowering employees with personalized stipends instead of bulk ordering generic swag not only promotes sustainability but also boosts employee satisfaction by allowing them to choose what they truly need and want.&#;


She recommends you use a platform built for the purpose of managing and distributing stipends easily. The system should allow flexibility in spending categories to accommodate diverse preferences.

Spurling also recommends regularly reviewing spending patterns and gathering feedback to refine the stipend categories and amounts. This helps in continuously meeting the needs and preferences of your employees.

Tip #5: Determining a budget is the most important step

Shane Santacroce, CEO of Shane Santacroce Management, says you should consider your overall budget for corporate gifting and how many people you need to provide gifts for.

&#;Your per-person budget should be based on the number of people and the overall budget. For a large conference, a budget of $5-10 per swag bag is common, so you can provide everyone with something but not have a ridiculous budget. For your best clients, you may budget $50-100 and $20-50 for mid-tier clients. For real estate, we usually see in the $50-$100 range.

Employee gifts can be based on seniority or effort. Don&#;t have large gaps between tiers of employee gifts. Employees really do not want branded gifts. They want something that shows appreciation for their efforts that is useful. Gift cards are a great idea.&#;

Tip #6: Establish a corporate gifting and swag committee

A strategy that works especially well for small to medium-sized businesses is setting up a gift unit committee. Matt Little, Owner & Director of Festoon House, says the gift unit committee should comprise, &#;members from HR, management, as well as employee representatives.&#;

&#;Your committee will help make decisions on gift selection, budget allocation, and recognition criteria.

Plus, a committee within your organization will be able to determine what you want to achieve with your gift unit to help guide your decision-making process.&#;

People Also Ask These Questions About Company Swag

Q: What makes a good company swag idea in ?

  • A: A good company swag idea in needs to be versatile. It should be something that serves a business in many ways outside of the primary reason for ordering it in the first place. Avoiding excess inventory that you can&#;t utilize is frustrating and can become a storage burden eventually. For example, designing swag that can be used for an event along with a new hire onboarding creates a funnel for any potential leftovers. Learn more about this in our article here!

Q: What is the best way to boost morale with remote employees?

  • A: Being a remote employee can certainly have benefits if the working environment is set up correctly. Otherwise, a distributed workforce can run the risk of becoming disengaged and isolated from the company culture. One of the best remedies for this is with a remote employee swag kit that can easily be customized and sent directly to the homes of a virtual employee &#; pretty cool!

Q: Do you have any tips on selecting company swag?

  • A: Yes! Always (ALWAYS) get a sample if you plan on ordering more than 10. This is a great way to see what the experience is like with a swag vendor from start to finish. We recommend more helpful pro-tips directly from real professionals in our article on the Company Swag Ideas Employees Really Want.

For more information, please visit Bulk Magic Towels for Event Gifts.