Hearing Protection Buyer's Guide

09 Sep.,2024


Hearing Protection Buyer's Guide

It&#;s curious that we marvel at the ability of deer and other game to detect our presence with their incredible sense of hearing, yet we do little if anything to protect our own. Before it&#;s too late, and irrevocable damage is done, learn the basics of protecting one of the most valuable possessions you have.

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To be effective in the field, hearing is a major factor, if not mandatory. Without good hearing you can&#;t detect the delicate approach of a sneaking whitetail, or the soft call of distant waterfowl. With keen hearing anything is possible, however, all too often this blessing from birth can be taken for granted or even abused until it&#;s too late. The problem with hearing loss is that it is subtle, cumulative and may not be noticed until the affects are quite severe.

Noise induced hearing loss is painless, odorless, tasteless, and invisible but toxic nonetheless. Exposure to harmful sounds, either very loud impulse sound(s) or repeated exposure to sounds over the 90-decibel level for an extended period of time damages the sensitive structures of the inner ear. Sounds louder than 80 decibels are considered potentially dangerous, especially when the exposure occurs over an extended period of time. Hair cells of the inner ear and the hearing nerve can be damaged by an intense brief impulse, like an explosion, or by continuous and/or repeated exposure to noise.

A lawnmower, shop tools, truck traffic, and many common household appliances are all in the 90-decibel range, and can be even higher at close proximity.

What&#;s a Decibel?

The intensity of sound is measured in decibels (dB). The scale runs from the faintest sound detectable by the human ear, which is labeled 0 dB, to over 180 dB, the noise of a jet engine throttling up on the runway.

The kicker is that decibels are measured logarithmically. What this means is that each increase is 10 times the lower figure, as decibel intensity increases by units of 10. Therefore, 20 decibels is 10 times the intensity of 10 decibels, and 30 decibels is 100 times as intense as 10 decibels. The muzzle blast from a firearm is around 140 dB, and magnum loads can run much higher.

If you shoot firearms a lot, or subject your ears to high levels of sound on a daily basis, here are some of the warning signs that are indicative of a problem. If you must raise your voice to be heard, or have trouble hearing someone close to you speaking at a normal level, or if conversations around you sound muffled or dull after leaving a noisy area then you may need to consult a hearing specialist. While the aforementioned symptoms are good indicators, the most common complaint from someone suffering from hearing damage is pain or ringing in their ears. This condition is known as tinnitus.

Sitting at my keyboard, typing this article, I am accompanied by an ever-present humming sound similar to cicadas singing in summer. It is a constant reminder that I tuned a deaf ear to the advice of many, and shunned the use of hearing protection too many times. Believe me, it is very unpleasant, and something that can be avoided by using proper protection.


Who Should Wear Hearing Protection?

Hearing protection isn&#;t just for shooting sports. If you must work in an excessively noisy environment, you already know that you should wear protectors, and probably do. Using power tools, noisy yard equipment, or firearms, or riding a motorcycle or snowmobile are other activities that dictate protection.

Susceptibility to hearing loss varies individually, however, no one is immune. Habitual exposure to noise above 85 dB will cause a gradual hearing loss in a significant number of individuals, and louder noises will accelerate this damage.

Hearing protectors are rated by their noise reduction rating (NRR). Keep in mind when you&#;re shopping for hearing protection, that the larger the NRR rating number, the greater the amount of protection that is provided. A number of options are available, with varying degrees of quality, convenience and effectiveness.

Protection Options

Hearing protection devices are used to decrease the intensity of sound that reaches the eardrum. The two basic forms of protection are earplugs and earmuffs, but the ultimate is a combination of sound suppression and hearing enhancement available in products like Walker&#;s Game Ear.

Foam ear plugs are one of the most common types of hearing protection used, perhaps because it&#;s cheap, easy to carry in a pocket and not a major loss when left at the shooting range. This rudimentary approach is simply a cylinder of sound-attenuating foam that is compressed and inserted into the ear canal. Once released, the foam expands to fill the canal. They must be snugly sealed so the entire circumference of the ear canal is blocked. An improperly fitted, or worn-out plug may not seal, negating their effectiveness and dirty plugs can irritate the ear canal. They can also become uncomfortable with prolonged wear.

While readily available, inexpensive, disposable and lightweight, foam plugs reduce all sounds and have to be removed to communicate with others. Many shooters tire of inserting foam plugs and stop using them before they are through shooting, and that&#;s as bad as not using them at all.

Earplugs made from more substantial materials are available in a variety of shapes and sizes to fit individual ear canals and can also be custom made. If you have trouble keeping earplugs in your ears, a headband can be used, but this is not a summer solution.

Earmuffs are designed to fit over the entire outer ear to form an air seal so the entire outer ear is covered and the canal protected. Muffs are held in place by an adjustable headband. The down side to earmuffs is the difficulty of sealing around eyeglasses or long hair, and the adjustable headband tension must be sufficient to hold earmuffs firmly around the ear, which takes some getting used to.

Properly fitted, earplugs and muffs will reduce noise 15 to 30 dB. The better earplugs and muffs are approximately equal in sound reductions, although earplugs are better for low frequency noise and earmuffs do a better job of attenuating high frequency noise. Using earplugs and muffs at the same time usually adds 10 to 15dB more protection than either used alone. Combined use should be considered when noise exceeds 105 dB.

Electronic enhancement provides the ultimate in both convenience and a quality experience and is available in either the inner canal style or the muff approach. With electronic enhancement, internal circuitry makes it possible to hear everything around you and talk in normal tones. When loud noises rise above a preset threshold the sound is attenuated or reduced to protect your hearing.

The better quality models have two microphones that enable you to tell which direction a sound is coming from, and increase coverage. More innovative units have four microphones for maximum coverage and a stereo-like effect that captures every sound. By using the adjustable volume, (and frequency control on some units), you have the best of both worlds; protection and an increased ability to hear the subtle sounds that may have escaped your notice before.

With enhanced protection, you don&#;t have to remove your muffs to hear range commands, which makes you a safer shooter on the range, but it&#;s in the field that these units really shine. By turning up the gain on the microphones you can pick up the sound of game approaching from a long distance away, and minimize the number of times you are surprised by sneaking game.

Frequency control provides the distinct advantage of being able to adjust the type of sounds that you can hear.

Some muffs are also available with built-in radio receivers, but keep in mind that if you turn up the volume excessively, to hear the game over the ambient noise, you may be doing as much damage as not wearing any protection.

Your hearing is a gift that is as delicate as a butterfly, and once its wings are damaged the repair process may not be achievable. Protect your hearing like you were going to lose it with the next loud noise, and the chance of hearing cicadas singing every waking hour of the day and night will be diminished dramatically if not totally eliminated.

Click this link for more information or to purchase Hearing Protection.


Best Shooting Ear Protection

According to the Cleveland Clinic, researchers found that 5.2 million children and teens between the ages of 6 to 19 and 26 million adults between the ages of 20 and 69 suffer from noise induced hearing loss. These statistics make up a staggering 9% of the American population. 

Noise is one of the most common causes of hearing loss and occupational illnesses in the United States. The noise from gunfire is one of the most hazardous non-occupational noises.

A single gunshot heard by an unprotected ear can lead to immediate and permanent hearing loss, often accompanied by tinnitus or ringing, hissing or humming in the ears. A single shot from a shotgun, experienced at close range, may permanently damage your hearing in an instant.

Dr. Michael Stewart, Professor of Audiology at the University of Central Michigan and the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, says that exposure to noise greater than 140 dB can permanently damage hearing, without protection. Almost all firearms create noise that is over the 140-dB level, says Dr. Stewart.  

Firing guns in a place where sounds can echo or bounce off walls and other structures, like inside a building or some indoor shooting ranges, can make noises louder and increase the risk of hearing loss. Stewart goes on to say, &#;People who do not wear hearing protection while shooting can suffer a severe hearing loss with as little as one shot, if the conditions are right&#;.

Although you may have gone without shooting ear protection in the past, and bypassed apparent hearing loss, does not mean you might not damage your hearing the next time.

It&#;s important to wear hearing protection every time you shoot a gun to avoid possible hearing damage. Once your hearing is damaged, it won&#;t come back.

When using a firearm either to keep up with your law enforcement training requirements or for recreational purposes such as hunting, it is imperative to select the best shooting ear protection. 

Why is hearing protection important?

  • Hearing damage is often irreversible
  • If you have damaged hearing while shooting you could miss instructions which can endanger yours and others lives (situational awareness)

What are the solutions?

  • Avoid noises above 85dB for extended periods of time
  • Use proper hearing protection like headsets and electronic earplugs (regular earplugs can hurt your situational awareness)
    • Headsets and earplugs are the best option because limiting dangerous noise exposure is impossible when shooting firearms

What is NRR and why is it Important?

NRR stands for noise reduction rating. NRR is a measurement that determines how effective a hearing protection device, like a headset, is at reducing sound exposure. The measurement is taken after various tests by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and the American Nation Standards (ANSI).

An average NRR for an over the ear headset can be anywhere between 20-31. Noise reduction rating is important because it determines if a particular headset will protect your hearing or not. If you are going to be around noise that is above 80-85 decibels, you should have protection. 

If you are working on a construction site, the average decibels reached will be 110. If you have a headset with a 25 NRR then you will be back in a safe decibel range. Therefore, the louder the area you are in, the higher NRR number headset you will need. 

Firearms tend to hit 165 decibels when fired which causes hearing damage. Consequently, hearing protection is a must especially when you are in an environment like a shooting range where firearms are going off consistently. 

Noise reduction rating is just a part of the road to learning about hearing protection and preventing noise induced hearing loss. 

We offer a wide variety of gun ear protection that is UL certified to prevent hearing loss.

Below are some images of suggested firearm hearing protection sets, along with the features of each electronic hearing protection device.  All of the devices provide the best in class shooting ear protection!

Hearing Protection Options:

The features of the 3M Peltor Tactical Sport Electronic headset add up to a great piece of technology that protects your hearing and your physical safety at the same time. For instance, the environmental microphones allow for face-to-face conversations and improved situational awareness in quiet and low to moderate levels of noise.

Moreover, with foam and liquid-filled cushions, the ear cups have an effective acoustic seal and are comfortable during long wear times. The adjustable headband also adds to the comfort levels because the headset can become an exact fit. Overall, the 3M Tactical Sport Electronic headset is built for protecting your hearing, comfort, and situational awareness making a great tool when shooting.


  • Improved situational awareness from environmental microphones
  • Foam and liquid-filled cushions
  • Foldable and adjustable headband
  • Black and orange outer shells included
  • Price--$228.20


  • Accessible price
  • Situational awareness
  • Adjustable headband


  • Cannot be a comms headset
  • No customization

The New Impact Sport Bluetooth headset from Howard Leight is often a top choice for shooters looking to protect their hearing. It features unique elements like a folding design for compact storage, recessed controls, and snap-in ear cushions. The ear cushions are a great feature because it makes maintenance of your headset easy and can help it last longer in your care.


Want more information on Shooters Protection? Feel free to contact us.

  • Folding design&#;compact storage
  • Recessed controls with a rifle cutaway for aiming
  • Bluetooth controls and Bluetooth sync
  • Separate volume controls
  • Padded and adjustable headband with slim earcup
  • Snap-in ear cushions
  • Price--$154


  • Accessible pricing
  • Bluetooth connection
  • Compact storage


  • No environmental listening
  • Cannot be a communications headset

The 3M Peltor Tactical Earplug TEP-200 offers hearing protection in a different style than the typical headset. Some shooters prefer earplugs because they feel they offer more freedom and comfort compared to headsets. The TEP-200 offers similar features when compared to the above headsets.

These earplugs include situational awareness technology and hearing protection. They are rechargeable with micro-USB and they are battery compatible if you are out in the field and do not access to a charging port. The choice between earplugs and headsets is up to the user, the most important factor is no matter the choice, your hearing is protected.


  • Audio signal received wirelessly from neck loop accessory
  • Hearing protection
  • Environmental microphones for level-dependent hearing protection and situational awareness
  • Rechargeable earpieces with micro-USB or 3 AA alkaline batteries
  • Price--$624.51


  • Reasonable price
  • Environmental listening
  • Rechargeable


  • Not as secure hearing protection
  • Cannot customize

Ops Core AMP Tactical Communication Headset:

The Ops Core AMP Tactical Communication Headset has a wide variety of features. The different quick release and change elements like the rail mount kit and downlead connection helps make the Ops Core AMP headset convenient and easy to use.

This headset also offers great hearing protection from ergonomic earseals. It also features a noise-cancelling microphone which helps create seamless communication. The Ops Core AMP Tactical Communication headset is a great choice for military use around gunfire. In the military, communication is key, so a headset that can maintain clear communication whilst protecting hearing around firearms is a great choice.


  • 1 quick-release removable downlead connection
  • 3D Hear-Through technology
  • Mission configurable capability
  • Ergonomic headband
  • Quick-change rail mount kit
  • Noise-cancelling microphone
  • Ergonomic earseals
  • Auto shutdown
  • Fail-safe communications
  • Removable boom mic so headsets can be used by left or right-handed shooters
  • Price--$1,354.97


  • Comfortable to wear
  • Quick customizations


  • High price

The 3M Peltor ComTac V has a variety of features including high fidelity speakers and omni-directional microphones. This headset was made to provide optimal hearing protection whilst maintaining s

Best Shooting Ear Protection

ituational awareness. 


  • Rubberized headband
  • Can convert to ARC adapters
  • Balance Mode
  • Release time
  • Volume boost
  • Equalizer function
  • Environmental listening
  • High fidelity speakers
  • Omni-directional microphones
  • Price--$673.94


  • Great hearing protection
  • Convertible headband


  • Higher price
  • Cannot be a communications headset

The 3M Peltor ComTac 6 Hearing Defender was made to improve auditory performance in different environments. Peltor also made the ComTac 6 specifically for military workers making it the perfect headset for shooting ear protection. 

This particular headset comes with a variety of features. The main difference between the ComTac V and ComTac VI is that the 6 comes with MAP or mission audio profiles. With this technology, users can set their headset to a certain environment to adjust the audio profile. The environments include: observation, patrol, conversation, comfort, and mic off. 


  • Noise Cancelling (IP68) Speech Microphone for Communication in Noise
  • 350 hours of battery life
  • Noise Reduction Rating of 23
  • VOX hands-free push to talk
  • Improved rubber head strap
  • MAP function
  • High fidelity speakers
  • Omni-directional microphones
  • Price--$798.97


  • Customizable audio profile
  • Environmental listening
  • VOX


  • High price


At the end of the day, even after reading through the information above, it can be challenging to see the differences between the headsets and determining which one is right for your purpose. A major deciding factor that buyers tend to ignore until after purchasing a headset is comfort. 

This may seem like an unnecessary element to consider but it is important. If your headset is not comfortable, you simply will not wear it, especially if you are planning on being at the range for hours. 

The two places to look for comfort on a headset are the earseals or earpieces and the headband. When the earseals are made out of gel, they tend to be more comfortable to wear all day. Headbands that are adjustable are also a plus because then you can fit your headset to the exact size you need. 

Selecting the best shooting ear protection really is a matter of personal preference. Our knowledgeable staff has over twenty years of experience in reselling these trusted 3M Peltor shooting ear protection products.  Please do not hesitate to call us at 800-991- to determine which hearing protection options are best suited for you.

Have you experienced hearing damage before? Or are you looking to protect your hearing? Let us know in the comments below.

 Updated April 13,

For more Hearing Protection Coversinformation, please contact us. We will provide professional answers.