What to Know About Using a Baby Swing

29 Apr.,2024


What to Know About Using a Baby Swing

There's no doubt that baby swings give parents’ arms a much-needed break. After all, caring for an infant is a lot of work, and part of that is because of their intense need to be rocked and held.

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While some babies are content to hang out in a crib or baby seat during their non-sleeping or non-feeding hours, other babies crave more movement than that and get fussy if they aren't rocked or walked. This is normal baby behavior, and there's nothing wrong with holding your baby as much as you're able.

But most of us can’t hold our babies all the time, which is why baby swings can be so useful. Baby swings hold your baby when you're not able and they provide the motion stimulation that babies find soothing. They also help with fussiness and keep your baby entertained.

Still, many of us get confusing messages about baby swings and wonder if they're ever a bad thing or can be overused. Below we address all of your baby-swing questions including everything from the benefits and the risks to important safety tips to keep in mind.

When Can Infants Use Baby Swings?

For each baby swing you buy, you should carefully read the manufacturer’s guidelines for usage. In general, baby swings can be used at birth and until your baby reaches a certain weight limit, usually about 25 to 35 pounds. The Academy of American Pediatrics (AAP) advises parents to use the most reclined position on the baby swing for any baby under 4 months old.

Benefits of Baby Swings

Babies aren’t born with much independence and rely heavily on their parents much like they did in the womb. They also miss the environment of the womb, which is why they like to be swaddled, rocked, and shushed. All of these activities remind them of the comforts of the womb.

While most parents would like nothing more than to offer this type of soothing to their babies around the clock, it’s nearly impossible to hold, shush, and rock babies 24/7. And though some babies are content without these activities, other babies—especially ones who develop colic or who are just very fussy—need this type of soothing all the time!

This is where baby swings can feel like a lifeline for new parents. Most baby swings have a snuggly feel, rock your baby, and may even provide music, shushing sounds, and other audio or visual entertainment, such as lights or mobiles. Although not all babies take readily to swings, many parents find that this is the only place where they can put their babies down when they are awake.

Cons of Baby Swings

For the most part, baby swings are lifesavers for parents. However, you should be aware of certain pitfalls. First of all, while rare, certain babies just don’t enjoy spending time in baby swings and tend to get fussier in them.

These babies might find swings uncomfortable or may become overstimulated by the lights, sounds, or motions. Consider different rocking settings, different audio settings, or placing your baby in the swing at different times of the day.

Some parents may also become overly reliant on a baby swing. They may use the swing every time their baby fusses and don't learn other ways of soothing their baby. Instead, vary your baby's soothing techniques. Before you put your baby in the swing, make sure they aren’t hungry, need to be put to bed, or have another need you might be neglecting.

The AAP notes that babies should not become so reliant on swings or other baby seats that they don’t do tummy time each day, which is vital to their development. They also warn that spending too long in a baby swing or other infant seat can flatten your baby’s head.

Baby Swings and Infant Sleep

Probably the most startling thing you will learn about baby swings is that they aren’t meant to be used while your baby sleeps. This probably seems contrary to what you’ve probably heard about baby swings.

While there's no need to freak out if your baby falls asleep in the swing, you should move them to their crib as soon as possible. Your baby is safest when they sleep on their back on a flat surface. And this isn’t just the guidance for baby swings. Babies are not meant to sleep in their car seats, bouncy chairs, or strollers, either.

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This is because babies who sleep upright are at higher risk of suffocation if their head tips over or if their breathing is compromised, especially if they are not watched carefully by their caretakers.

Research published by the AAP found that infants have died as a result of sleeping in a sitting device such as a baby swing, stroller, or car seat. Of the 11,779 infant deaths that were studied, 3% (348 deaths) occurred in a sitting device, and 35% of those occurred in baby swings.

Safety Precautions for Baby Swings

It’s vitally important that you pay attention to safety precautions when using a baby swing. While rare, babies have been injured while using baby swings and some have even died as a result of unsafe practices. For this reason, the AAP has developed a list of safety rules that all parents should follow when using baby swings.

AAP guidelines for using baby swings safely

Safety tips from the AAP regarding baby swing use include:

  • Always use the most reclined position on the swing for babies 4 months and under.
  • Make sure the swing is sturdy and doesn’t tip over or fold up too easily.
  • Use safety straps provided so that your baby doesn’t fall out of the swing.
  • Keep toys and mobiles away from your baby.
  • Stop using the swing if your baby no longer fits properly and check to see if your child has outgrown the manufacturer’s weight limits.
  • Ensure the cradle of the swing stays flat while in motion so your baby can’t fall out.

In addition to these tips from the AAP, also make sure never to place your baby’s swing on an elevated surface, such as a kitchen counter or coffee table. You also should avoid putting blankets in the swing with your baby, as these are a strangulation hazard. Instead, dress your baby in extra layers, remain in the same room with your baby while they are in the swing, and keep a careful eye on them.

When Do Babies Outgrow Swings?

Again, you should read the manufacturer’s guidelines when it comes to how long to use a baby swing. Once your baby outgrows the height and weight limit provided, you should stop using the swing. Your baby may even alert you when they are done using the swing.

For instance, when the swing is no longer soothing or entertaining to them, they may resist being put in it, or cry immediately. This is your cue they are no longer interested and that the swing may not be an ideal place for them.

What to Look For in a Baby Swing

As you set out to purchase a baby swing or put one on your registry list, there are a few things to keep in mind. Here is what to consider before making a purchase.

  • Determine which features you want. Most babies are happy with a basic swing. After all, motion is what they like most. But if your budget allows, you can go all out with additional features—especially if they will make your life easier.
  • Consider the size of your space. Also, think about the size of your home and your lifestyle. Many parents prefer baby swings that they can carry easily from room to room. In this case, purchasing a small, more portable model may make the most sense.
  • Test out the swing first. Before purchasing a baby swing, either observe the swing in the store or watch an online video of what it looks like or sounds like. Make sure the music and visuals are pleasing to you, especially because you might be watching and listening to this for many hours each day.

Baby Swing Recalls

As with any baby product, be aware of recalls—especially if you are using a hand-me-down swing, With a new swing, register your purchase with the manufacturer so that you will be alerted if your swing is recalled.

There have been some high-profile cases of baby swing recalls that had to do with safety concerns, including manufacturing defects that caused the swings to fall over. There also have been problems with the swings' restraints or trays.

Because recalls are often due to safety concerns, take baby swing recalls seriously. You also can look up the recall status of your current baby swing at the U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission if you are curious about its safety.

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Electric Baby Swings Manufacturer. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.