The Ultimate Guide to Choosing What Kind of Wool to Use for ...

07 Oct.,2024


The Ultimate Guide to Choosing What Kind of Wool to Use for ...

From a young age, I've been a passionate crafter. Each project is a piece of my heart. Crafting is not just a hobby, it&#;s become my expression, weaving creativity into life with love and imagination.

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Wet felting is an ancient craft that transforms wool into a dense, durable fabric.

Whether you're a seasoned felter or a curious beginner, understanding the different types of wool and their suitability for wet felting is crucial.

This comprehensive guide will help you navigate the world of wool used for felting, ensuring your projects turn out beautifully every time.

Key Takeaways:

  • Learn about the best types of wool for wet felting and their unique properties.
  • Discover how the wool's staple length and crimp affect the felting process.
  • Gain practical tips for selecting the right wool for your specific felting project.

Understanding the Basics of Felting Wool

Felting wool is not just about picking any wool and starting your project. The type of wool you choose can significantly impact the ease of felting and the quality of your finished product. Wool fibers have tiny scales that interlock when agitated in warm soapy water, creating a solid fabric. The best wool for wet felting is one that felts easily and achieves the desired texture and firmness.

Staple length and crimp close-up of the inner texture of a Merino wool sheep.

The Importance of Staple Length and Crimp

The staple length, or the length of the wool fibers from base to tip, is a critical factor in felting. Longer fibers tend to felt more easily due to more surface area for the fibers to lock together. The crimp, or natural wave of the wool, also plays a role in how well the fibers will interlock during the felting process.

Merino wool top is a favorite among felters for its softness and fine crimp, which allows for quick felting. It comes in a variety of natural colors and dyes beautifully, making it a versatile choice for projects that require a smooth, fine finish like nuno felting.

Merino Sheep - Jacob Sheep

Coarse Wool vs. Fine Wool

Coarse wool and fine wool have their own advantages in wet felting. Coarse wools, such as grey jacob or curly locks, are sturdy and offer a more textured look, while fine wools like merino provide a softer, more delicate finish. Your project's end use should guide your choice between coarse and fine wools.

Carded Wool: Ready for Felting

Carded wool, also known as wool batting, is wool that has been washed and carded into a fluffy sheet. The fibers are generally going in different directions, which can be beneficial for creating a uniform felt. Carded batts are convenient for larger projects or when a homogenous texture is desired.

Carded wool (fluffy sheet) - Merino wool tops.

Wool Tops: Long Lengths Wrapped in Same Direction

Wool tops are long lengths of wool fibers combed and wrapped in the same direction. The wool tops preparation is ideal for projects that require smooth, even layers of wool, such as in nuno felting. Wool tops can also be split into smaller sections for needle felting kits or small pieces.

Core wool

The Versatility of Core Wool

Core wool is a type of carded wool often used as the base or first layer in a felting project. It's usually made from coarser wool and is less expensive than finer wools. Core wool helps build volume in needle felting projects and saves on cost, especially for larger pieces.

Wet felted fabric embellished with golden Viscose fibers.

Incorporating Other Fibers

While wool is the primary material for wet felting, incorporating other fibers like silk and Viscose can add different textures and visual interest to your work. These can be used as a top layer or mixed with wool to create unique effects in your felted pieces.

Choosing Wool for Specific Projects

The best wool for your project depends on what you're creating. For sturdy items like bags or hats, a wool that is coarser might be best. For delicate items like scarves or jewelry, a fine wool or merino top would be more appropriate.

The Joy of Blending Fibers for Unique Textures

When it comes to wet felting, the joy is often found in the blend. Combining different wool types and all the fibers you can imagine opens up a world of textural possibilities. A felting kit that includes a variety of fibers such as silk, bamboo, or flax can add a unique dimension to your projects. The silk can give a subtle sheen, while bamboo adds strength, and flax offers a rustic touch. The key is to experiment with small amounts to see how each fiber behaves when mixed with your base wool.

Top: Drum Carder - Bottom: Hand Carders

Blending fibers not only affects the texture but also the color of your final piece. Imagine creating a beautiful wool tapestry with hints of iridescence or a scarf with a delicate gradient effect. By carding together fibers of different hues, you can achieve stunning visual effects that are impossible with a single type of wool. Whether you're using a drum carder or blending by hand, the process of mixing fibers can be as rewarding as the felting itself.

Wool Roving with a spun bobbin.

Spinning Your Own Yarn for Wet Felting

For those who love to take their crafting to the next level, spinning your own wool tops (also known as Roving) for wet felting projects can be incredibly fulfilling. Starting with roving or a carded batt, you can spin yarn that's perfectly tailored to your felting needs. Whether you prefer a chunky, rustic yarn for a textured look or a fine, smooth yarn for delicate work, the control is in your hands. Plus, spinning allows you to blend different wool and fibers, creating custom colorways and fiber mixes that are truly one-of-a-kind.

Once you have your hand-spun yarn, it can be incorporated into wet felted projects in a variety of ways. You can lay strands of yarn atop your layout before felting to add lines and swirls of color, or you can felt the yarn directly into the surface for a raised, tactile effect. The beauty of using hand-spun yarn in wet felting is that it adds a personal touch that can't be replicated, making your creations even more special and unique.

Nuno felted scarf - Orange mango Merino top mix over mango colored silk.

Wet Felting Techniques and Wool Types

Different techniques in wet felting may require specific types of wool. For instance, nuno felting, which involves felting wool onto a fabric like silk, works best with fine wool that can easily penetrate the fabric without creating bulk.

Raw Fleece: From Sheep to Felt

Using raw fleece directly from sheep allows for a more hands-on approach. It needs to be thoroughly washed and possibly carded before use, but it can be a cost-effective and rewarding way to source wool for your felting projects.

Preparing Wool for Wet Felting

Before starting your felting project, ensure the wool is clean and free of oils or dirt. Carded wool should be fluffed up, and wool tops might need to be separated into manageable pieces to ensure even felting.

The Role of Color in Felting

Color plays a significant role in the aesthetics of your felted piece. You can choose from natural colors or dyed wools to add vibrancy and detail to your work. Remember that some wools take dye better than others, with merino wool top being particularly well-suited for vibrant colors.

Needle felting design onto wet felted fabric.

Finishing Touches with Needle Felting

After wet felting, you can add finishing touches with needle felting. This allows for detailed designs and embellishments, as the needle felted fibers can be precisely positioned and felted into the surface of your wet felted piece.

Sourcing Wool from Reputable Wool Suppliers

Quality matters when it comes to using wool for felting. Look for wool suppliers that offer a variety of types and preparations of wool, so you can find exactly what you need for your project. Good suppliers will also provide information about the wool's origin and preparation.

Sheep Farmer in Ireland

Personal Preferences and Experimentation

Ultimately, your personal preferences will guide your choice of wool for wet felting. Don't be afraid to experiment with all the different wools and fiber laying techniques to find what works best for you. Each felter develops their own style and preferences over time.

If you want to learn more, please visit our website Wholesale Wool Felt.

The No-Rules Approach to Wool Selection

While there are guidelines for choosing wool for wet felting, there are no hard and fast rules. Some felters enjoy mixing different textures and types of wool to create unique and unexpected results - like this blanket.

Nuno Felted Blanket - Yak over white Merino wool with a needle felted Alpaca border.

I Nuno felted over cheesecloth because silk would have been cost prohibitive for a project this size. This blanket was then finished by needle felting an Alpaca border on both sides.

Layers are as follows:

  • Yak
  • White Merino wool tops (raised in the US)
  • cheesecloth (optional step)
  • White Merino wool (raised in the US)
  • Brown Merino wool tops (raised in Bulgaria)

Embrace the creative freedom that comes with this craft.

Creating with Confidence

With this knowledge of what kind of wool to use for wet felting, you can approach your next project with confidence. Whether you're making a soft scarf or a sturdy bag, the right wool will help you achieve the results you're aiming for.


Choosing the right wool for wet felting is essential for achieving the desired outcome in your projects.

From merino wool top for fine, delicate work to coarser wool for robust items, understanding the properties of different wools will guide you to the best choice.

So, next time you're scratching your head wondering what kind of wool to use for wet felting, remember to consider the staple length, crimp, and preparation of the wool, and don't hesitate to mix in other fibers for added texture and detail.

Experimentation and personal preference play a significant role in this craft, so embrace the variety and enjoy the process of creating with wool.

Q: Can I use any type of wool for wet felting?

A: While you can technically use any wool, some types felt better than others. Fine wools like merino are generally preferred for their ease of felting and smooth finish, but coarser wools can also be used for projects that require more texture.

Q: How do I know if a wool is good for wet felting?

A: Good felting wool will have a suitable staple length and crimp, which helps the fibers interlock during the felting process. It should also be clean and free of oils. When in doubt, consult with reputable wool suppliers or experienced felters.

Q: Can I mix different types of wool in one felting project?

A: Yes, mixing different types of wool can add depth and interest to your project. Just be aware that they may felt at different rates, so it's important to test and adjust your technique accordingly.

Images Source: Canva and personal projects

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Choosing a Felt Supplier | Wholesale Tips

Whether owning a business or trying to commence a new business, choosing a supplier for your business is an important decision to make. 

One must brainstorm to choose the right manufacturers for your company. Besides, getting a supplier to deliver a good product while buying in bulk is like &#;finding a needle in a haystack&#;.

If you are starting a handmade felt product business, it is crucial that you select the best supplier. Moreover, while selecting handmade product suppliers like felt suppliers, you should be even more vigilant. 

Succeeding a business requires good product value. And if your supplier does not deliver high-quality products, your business would fail eventually. 

Finding a trustworthy supplier is often a trial and error process. However, having an idea to select a good supplier with good business ethics and policies can help you to find the best one out. 

So, what may be the key factors that you might have to consider while choosing a felt supplier? (The listing are not in any particular order) 

The Perfect Handicraft Crafting Country 

Each country is well-known for developing or manufacturing specialized products. Depending on which industry you want your business to be catered towards, varies which country you should look into for manufacturing. 

Well, the first thing that comes to mind when thinking about felt products or just handicrafts, in general, is originality and support to locals. There aren&#;t many countries when it comes to making fine felt handicrafts. That too while holding the aesthetic value of what handicraft should be. 

Nepal and handicrafts go hand in hand. Nepal, while being a popular tourism destination, at the same time offers original handicraft products. The handicraft industry in the country has been blooming while adapting to the needs of the international market. 

Nepali wool industry has been in highs since the products used and the labor treatment is comparatively better than most other places. This has made Nepal a great place to get your best supplier for felt items. 

Handicraft making is an ancient tradition in Nepal. Handicraft export has increased over the last 25&#;30 years. Aiding in the preservation of the country's cultural heritage and history, the handicraft industry has also helped to alleviate poverty by providing work opportunities to locals. 

Finding The Best Wholesale Manufacturer And Exporter 

Finding the best handicraft manufacturing country is only not going to get you the supplier you want. While starting a small business, you may want to work with a manufacturing wholesaler. 

Whilst you may find many wholesalers, finding the right one can be difficult. And when you plan to operate a small business, (considering the cost factor it is best you choose) it is best for your wholesaler to be the manufacturer as well as exporter. 

Nepal, being a prominent manufacturer of handicraft products, you would want to find the best-felt manufacturing wholesaler. While you're choosing a Nepali Felt manufacturer it&#;s best to be transparent and clear about your future goals and visions. Moreover, finding a manufacturer that provides a wide range of products with customization options is the best one to look out for. 

We, Felt and Yarn, manufacturer of the best-felt product in the country, provide products that your business needs. While being the best supplier with a variety of products at the same time, you can also get it at an affordable price. 

Although getting many products at an affordable rate, you should also check if they serve your geographical region. And while you search for everything mentioned above, be sure to check if the wholesaler is trustworthy and easy to work with. 

Get Products At Affordable Rates 

Finding the perfect wholesaler does not only cater to your need for finding the best supplier. When starting a small business, money plays an important role. And getting your product at an affordable price can be tricky. 

Is it possible to get better products for bang for the buck? Can my supplier provide products at an affordable rate? These are a few questions that come first while starting a business. 

Well, the product cost varies due to various factors. The cost is directly affected by factors like the country's tax system, the wage rate for the workers, raw material costs, the use of high-quality products, etc. 

However, when you focus on getting your product at a cheap price you might skip the reliability of the product. This can be a huge downfall for your business, in the long run, resulting in the loss of your investment. 

Having said that, we at Felt and Yarn can be the ones that you are looking for. Our products are affordable, reliable, and durable even after considering factors of good wages to our artisans, use of high-quality products, taxes, and others. 

Quality Check And Packaging 

After sorting out things related to the cost of the product, the next thing to look at is the quality check of the products and their packaging. A responsible supplier will have a team. A team that thoroughly goes through every individual product and very attentively checks the product to maintain the quality. 

Whereas, the packaging does not simply mean putting the product in a bag and sealing it. The packaging team should be experts at sorting through orders and prioritizing them. The product's packaging has a significant impact on the arrival of undamaged goods. 

While most companies opt out of quality checks and packaging, it does more harm than good to you as a business owner. Low-quality packaging and goods affect maintaining good relations with your supplier in the long term. 

Felt and Yarn go through various testing stages meticulously before dispatching the products. We have our own in-house quality control department to check each product, its size, colors, any stains and damage along with shipment with attention to detail before dispatching your products. 

The product must pass through various stages of testing hence, any damaged or unsatisfactory products are sent back for reproduction or scraps. 

The packaging team also includes experts at sorting through orders and prioritizing them. It helps on the arrival of undamaged goods. You can find our packaging process in following videos.

Our packaging of the goods uses bubble wraps or other cushiony materials to ensure your order remains intact. We even work with the best shipping companies to minimize the possible rough handling of your product during shipment. 


Every supplier has its own supplies which include products from raw material to finished goods.  Despite having much to offer, it would be very unfortunate if the manufacturing company cannot provide you with customizations. 

Only a handful of manufacturing companies will offer you a huge range and customizable products. 

Adding your personal flair to the product makes your product special. This can help to make your product stand out from others. And any manufacturing company providing you with this service is always a winner. 

Customizations revolve around the sizes, quantities, and colors. Any supplier that provides you with a simple yet large range of color options is very vital. The best supplier offers a wide range of choices to choose colors and products that match the branding and theme of your organization. 

The choice of customization explains much more about the company itself. The company can address the changing hyper-competitive world earlier. 

The need for new ideas and innovation in the open market world helps to grab the market opportunity and get the first-mover advantage. To meet this requirement, the supplier needs the ability to transform concepts into ideas. 

Felt and Yarn thrive to be forward in the handicraft felts and crafts business market. We start picking up trends and adapt quickly to fulfill the interest of the consumers. With a wide variety of products to choose from along with the option of customizability, we transform your concepts into real products. 


Trust is just like a glue to hold the business together. However, when people tend to invest or try to work with international companies, people are reluctant due to cases of fraud. People make poor choices while investing and tend to lose their investment in the beginning.

Whereas, the supplier should ensure that the new business owner can trust them by ensuring a hassle-free experience. The supplier should provide good customer service. They should implement approachable customer service to you as a business owner while you are pre-order, during the shipment process, and after-sales service. This helps in gaining mutual benefit for both parties. 

The best way to find the best-felt manufacturer that you can trust is to do thorough research. Only a few credible manufacturers are awarded certification by international companies for doing great work in the manufacturing process and doing trade. These can be the first few things to look out for. 

Felt and Yarn is certified with the &#;GoodWeave&#; Certification. The Fair Trade guidelines inspect the manufacturing process daily for consistency, social compatibility, and conviction for fair trade. The certification helps the company to showcase its genuine integrity and transparency. 

GoodWeave is an international certification that governs the manufacturing processes. It ensures customers receive high-quality goods at a fair price. In addition, the certification also means that no child, forced or bonded labor was used in the making of a product. 

Furthermore, going through customer reviews and product reviews on their websites and other e-commerce websites like Etsy, etc. can help to find the best manufacturer that you can trust. 

Shipping Availability 

Having found the best of the best supplier just won&#;t work if the supplier cannot ship to the place you live in. And even though your supplier does shipping, the shipping cost might be the crucial thing you want to worry about in your new business venture. 

The cost of shipping differs from one country to the next and from one company to another. A responsible provider will assist you in selecting the finest shipping alternatives. Some companies even provide free shipping. 

But how long do I have to wait for my order? The majority of companies have both regular and express shipping. If you want standard delivery, you will receive your order within 5-7 working days. If you want fast shipping, your order will arrive in 3-4 working days. 

Felt and Yarn have partnered with the best shipping companies like DHL for efficient shipping of your product. With this partnership, you can receive tracking details of your product in real-time. And with the partnership with multiple shipping companies, you can get the best shipping rates from Felt and Yarn. 

What If I Don&#;t Get What I Asked For? 

Choosing a supplier considering the points mentioned above can help to get the best supplier you are looking for. Yet you would want to make sure you get the right product. 

Well to ensure that you get what you want, it is better if you discuss briefly with your supplier before placing your order. Prior to bulk shipment, it is important that you order in small quantities as sample pieces. Order your products, clarifying all the materials you want. 

After you are happy with the product you can then order in bulk. And when you tend to get in bulk, always go for container shipment so as to get your product at an affordable shipping rate. All this leads to better product supply and long-term relations with your supplier. 

Even though going through all the processes, there could be some accidental errors. In course of time with your supplier, a few human errors can lead to mishaps. Mishaps like damaged goods, missing orders, delayed or lost packages, wrong sizes, and colors can occur. 

Well, in this case, it is better, to be honest, and clarify the possible mishaps with your supplier. The best supplier takes full accountability for their mistakes. And also take action to rectify the errors so that the mishap doesn&#;t happen again. 

We at Felt and Yarn believe that consistency is the key. Our Products are of good quality and well made. Our consistency and good quality have helped to enhance the image of the company. This has led to rare cases of mishaps and has ensured long-term relationships with customers. 

Felt and Yarn Thrive To Empower Craftswomen 

The handicraft industry has helped in uplifting developing countries such as Nepal by creating job opportunities for Nepalese rural women. This has helped to bring them together through a social enterprise, fostering their development, and connecting their artistry to the international market. 

Felt and Yarn is dedicated to assisting women in Nepal, in securing a stable source of income. We provide free training to the women so that they can be financially independent. This has enabled the creation of a revolutionary environment where Nepalese women can not only find work but also pursue their passion for crafting. 

So, by trading with a Felt and Yarn, you can get the product you are looking for that holds the aesthetic value of what a handicraft should be. This also helps to create more resources to assist and reach out to more women in Nepal. 

Felt and Yarn operate under its core values of maintaining quality and integrity while aiming for environmental sustainability with creativity. 

Lastly, we believe that you now have ideas to find your perfect felt and wool supplier and exporter in Nepal? Let us know in the comments below. 

If you&#;re still unsure then why don&#;t you take a sneak into Felt and Yarn? Felt and Yarn has been in this industry for about a decade and is one of the first companies in Nepal to receive the International GoodWeave Certificate. Felt and Yarn provide reasonable wholesale prices to their customers. 

The company also allows you to have complete customization with 99+ color choices and also are happy to create new products on your demand. And the best part is free shipping worldwide. 

So if you want to give it a shot at Felt and Yarn, you can connect to us via our social media platforms, , or .

Contact us to discuss your requirements of Wool Felt. Our experienced sales team can help you identify the options that best suit your needs.